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Home / Mole Removal

Mole removal represents a minimally invasive surgical technique that can significantly enhance your skin's aesthetics. Removing a beauty mark is a personal decision that can impact your physical appearance and general health. Whether you seek to remove a mole or skin tag for cosmetic or medical purposes, it's essential to have the procedure performed by a board-certified surgeon to ensure the best possible cosmetic and medical outcomes. Most moles are harmless, and their surgical removal is a cosmetic issue. However, some moles can become cancerous, and their removal is a potentially life-saving procedure that can prevent dangerous skin cancers like melanoma.

Am I A Good Candidate?

Both cosmetic and health considerations determine candidacy for mole removal. Generally, any bothersome noncancerous mole is a good candidate for cosmetic treatment. Most moles appear in early childhood in sun-exposed areas of the skin, although they can appear anywhere on the body. People with a fair complexion are prone to developing these skin growths due to sun exposure, although pregnancy and normal aging can also impact their appearance. Often, hair will grow from the mole, leading to an unsightly appearance that is particularly bothersome if the mole is on a sensitive area like the face or neck. Moles on the body can be injured while shaving or from getting caught on your clothes. A physician should examine any new or irritated mole for signs of melanoma, a dangerous type of skin cancer that can present as an inflamed nerve (the medical term for a mole). Other mole warning signs include itching, burning, oozing, or bleeding. A licensed physician should also assess any mole that looks significantly different from others on your body. In these cases, removing a mole can save your life. A licensed physician should examine moles with the following features to assess for removal and biopsy:

  • Asymmetry
  • Irregular borders
  • Irregular coloration
  • More extensive than a pencil eraser (>6 mm)
  • Changing in size, shape, or color

Benefits of Mole Removal

Mole removal has many benefits, ranging from purely cosmetic to potentially lifesaving. Not all moles require removal, but there are clear benefits to removing even harmless moles, mainly if they cause embarrassment or discomfort. As a minimally invasive, low-risk procedure performed in the outpatient setting using local anesthesia, you can expect a straightforward post-operative recovery with little to no downtime. Mole removal can restore your confidence and make you feel more comfortable in your skin, especially if your mole is noticeable and draws attention away from your other features. Moles on the face can become more prominent as we age due to skin damage caused by UV rays, which can damage skin texture over time.

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Mole Removal Techniques

The best method to remove a mole depends on the mole type, size, and location. All mole removal techniques are minimally invasive outpatient procedures that only require local anesthesia. However, some methods have better cosmetic results because they produce a less visible scar. Moles can be excised, burned away, or shaved off. While burning or shaving the mole will effectively destroy it, these methods can leave a noticeable scar. You should consult a board-certified cosmetic or plastic surgeon to excise moles on the face and other exposed areas. These surgeons are trained to make incisions and sutures as inconspicuous as possible.

Excision Technique

Excision with stitches is the preferred mole removal technique when the patient wants to minimize the appearance of scar tissue. It is imperative in delicate areas like the face, where even minor imperfections can draw attention away from your natural features. The surgeon will start by marking the site to be excised. After cleaning and numbing the skin, they will use a scalpel to cut just beyond the mole's edges. The wound is then closed with stitches. The placement of the stitches will vary depending on the depth of the mole to produce an optimal scar.

Shave Method

A physician can remove a mole by shaving it slightly below the skin's surface until it is completely gone. They will then cauterize (burn) the area to reduce the likelihood of mole regrowth and to minimize bleeding. This technique does not usually require stitches, but the skin may become pink where the mole once was. Your doctor will then dress the area and give you instructions on post-operative wound care. A noncancerous mole that is relatively small and inconspicuous is a suitable candidate for this technique.

Laser Mole Removal

Your physician may use laser treatments to remove small, flat, noncancerous moles in areas difficult to reach -like the ears- or in prominent and delicate areas, like the face. During laser therapy, your doctor beams light radiation at the mole to destroy it. You may require multiple laser treatments to remove the mole in its entirety.

Freezing with Cryosurgery

Cryosurgery involves freezing noncancerous moles with liquid nitrogen to remove superficial moles. Your physician will apply liquid nitrogen to your mole during the procedure and let it sit long enough to freeze the affected skin completely. The frozen skin will then form a blister. The abnormal skin on the blister's top will peel away in time. It will be replaced with new skin as the blister heals. When the lesion is thick (like a large mole), only the surface is blistered, and you may require a subsequent visit to freeze the residual lesion.

Post-Operative Wound Care

To minimize scarring, keep your wound covered and hydrated. You should also regularly clean your wound and replace the bandage to avoid infection.

Risks Of Mole Removal

Infection and scarring are the two most significant risks of mole removal. Keeping your wound clean, moist, and covered can help prevent these complications for an optimal outcome.

Prevent Scarring

You can prevent scarring by hydrating the area with petroleum jelly or a similar emollient.

Frequently questions about Mole Removal

What type of anesthesia is used during mole removal surgery?

In most cases, mole removal requires only local anesthesia.

How long does it take to remove a mole in the office?

It usually takes less than an hour to complete a mole removal procedure.

Why is it essential to select a surgeon when you want a mole removed?

Surgeons are trained to minimize scarring and maintain symmetry. These specialists are best suited for removing moles located in sensitive areas where scarring should be minimized for aesthetic reasons.

Who is a good candidate for a mole removal procedure?

Individuals in good health and reasonable expectations make excellent candidates for mole removal.

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